Without a doubt, investing in home insurance is one of the smartest decisions you can make for your home. After all, it pays to protect your most valuable asset, especially in the event of any unfortunate incident that compromises the safety and security it offers. However, getting insurance for the home involves more than just signing up for an insurance …
Free insurance for traffic enforcers: What you need to know
It can be tough to be a traffic enforcer in the Philippines. After all, it’s not a joke to stand in the heat all day and deal with everything from road accidents to raging tempers to heavy pollution. One can even say that the inherent stress in the profession is a health hazard in itself. Indeed, traffic enforcers have to …
4 Reasons to Get Fire Insurance in the Philippines
Here’s an unsettling truth: Many homeowners in the Philippines don’t get fire insurance. Either they don’t think it’s important enough, or they feel that it’s just a waste of money. Thing is, this is exactly what puts them in grave danger — and by the time they realize this, it’ll be too late. Here are four reasons why you should …
Why – and When – Should You Get Travel Insurance?
Right now, you’re probably planning your next vacation. Perhaps you want to go island-hopping in the Philippines or spend a few weeks enjoying the sights, sounds, tastes, and culture of a different country. Has travel insurance crossed your mind, though? Here are three reasons why you should invest in travel insurance. 1. The possibility of a medical emergency while you’re away. …
Mosquitronella: Insurance vs. Dengue & Mosquito-borne Diseases
To say that dengue is a serious concern in the Philippines would be a bit of an understatement. Filipinos have always had dengue on their minds, and with good reason. Recent findings show that there has been an increase in dengue incidences in the country. The cost of dengue Based on statistics from the Department of Health (DOH) Epidemiology Bureau, …
8 Must-haves in Your Car Emergency Kit
Picture this: You’re driving alone, windows rolled down, your favorite songs playing loudly as you enjoy a fast, hassle-free drive to your weekend getaway. Until you feel something suspiciously off about your car, and you’re forced to stop by the side of the road. You alight from your car to see what the problem is. All of a sudden, your …